Basic Pentesting | CTF Write-up| TryHackMe

4 min readSep 29, 2022

Hello. I’m Sloane. And I’ll be doing Basic Pentesting room from The room is created by ashu. Lets get started!

I started using rustscan. It found some open ports.

As a next step, I browsed the ip address on my web browser. And that was the result:

I checked out the page source code.

The comment part was mentioning about dev note section. I assumed it is development. So I went to that page. And I was right there was this development page.

It seems J has a weak password. I can bruteforce it. But I don’t know J’s full name yet. So, I’ll enumerate SMB first. I used enum4linux for this.

I found these shares.

I found a text file in the anonymous share. And I downloaded it to my own machine.

I read it. There were 2 usernames. I know the J is Jan and his password is weak so I can bruteforce it now.

I used hydra and rockyou.txt file. It took a bit time but eventually found the password.

Now, I can access to server via ssh.

There we go!

I checked out the home directory. There is also another user as we see Kay.

I checked the ssh directory.

As we see above I have access to read and write. Using id_rsa I can access to Kay’s machine. Lets do it!

I copied the content of id_rsa to my machine. I gave it the correct permissions.

Now, I need the passphrase. I’ll use ssh2john first so john can understand the file. Then I’ll crack it using john.

It cracked it successfully. I’ll use the passphrase.

Awesome! I successfully accessed to kay’s machine.

Now, I’m able to read the pass.bak file.

Thank you for reading!

